

Steam hoses Steam hoses are hoses used to transport steam. Steam hoses are widely used in various industrial processes. For example, food plants, refineries, paper mills, energy plants and chemical plants use steam as a heat source and steam hoses are used in these processes to transfer steam from one place to another...
Höyryletkut Höyryletkut ovat höyryn kuljetukseen käytettyjä letkuja. Höyryletkuja käytetään laajalti eri teollisuuden prosesseissa. Esimerkiksi elintarvikelaitokset, jalostamot, paperitehtaat, energialaitokset ja kemiantehtaat käyttävät höyryä lämmönlähteenä ja höyryletkuja näissä prosesseissa siirtämään höyryä paikasta toiseen. Yleinen höyryletkun valmistuksessa käytetty materiaali on EPDM-kumi, joka sietää hyvin lämpöä, höyryä, happoja ja emäksiä, otsonia ja auringonvaloa. EPDM tunnetaan halkeamattomana kumina ja muihin kumi- tai muoviletkuihin verrattuna, EPDM-letkujen etu on se, että ne eivät todennäköisesti halkeile tai murru. Näin ollen se on hyvä valinta vaativiin höyryprosesseihin. Höyryletkut altistuvat äärimmäiselle paineelle, lämmölle ja jännitykselle, jonka takia on ensiarvoisen tärkeää käsitellä niitä oikein. Höyryletkua valitessa tulisi huomioida ainakin käyttöpaine. Matalampaa painetta kestävät letkut soveltuvat kevyempään käyttöön - korkeamman paineen letkut vaativiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Tämän huomioon ottaminen edesauttaa vaurioiden ehkäisyä ja letkun pitkää käyttöikää. Ongelmien varalta on myös suositeltavaa tarkastaa höyryletkut säännöllisesti ja huoltaa niitä tarvittaessa.
9,58 12,02  - 26,00 32,63  VAT 0%VAT 25.5%

Steam hoses 18bar are designed for industrial applications that require high pressure and durability. This hose is made of high-quality materials that guarantee excellent chemical and wear resistance. Applications These hoses are ideal for steam transfer, compressed air transfer and other industrial applications where high pressure is required. Industries Industries where these hoses are used include construction, engineering and the chemical industry. Benefits Steam hoses 18bar offer durability and reliability, which reduces maintenance and replacement needs. The hose's high pressure resistance enables versatile use in industry. Risks Improper use or maintenance can lead to hose damage and leaks, so it is important to follow the correct use and maintenance instructions. Adapters Steam hoses 18bar are compatible with several standard connectors, which allows them to be easily integrated into existing systems. Chemical resistance Steam hoses 18bar are made to withstand many chemicals, which makes it an ideal choice for handling chemicals in industry. Operating temperatures The hoses withstand temperatures between -40 °C and +210 °C, momentarily up to 232 °C. Operating pressure classes The maximum working pressure of the steam hose is 18 bar. Certificates and classes Steam hoses 18bar are ISO 6134 Cat. A type 2 certified, which guarantees their quality and reliability. Contact us to get an offer for the Steam Hoses 18bar product or for more information on its use and features.

8,48 10,64  - 39,00 48,95  VAT 0%VAT 25.5%

The washing hose for hot water is a high-quality, food-grade rubber washing hose designed for industrial needs. This hose is resistant to hot water and low pressure steam, making it an ideal solution for many applications. Applications Industrial washrooms, food industry, temperature fluctuations. Industries Food industry, industrial washing facilities, chemical industry. Benefits Washing hose for hot water fda offers durability and reliability, reducing the need to change hoses and saving time and costs. Risks Hose abuse or neglect can lead to hose damage and leaks, emphasizing the importance of proper use and maintenance. Operating temperatures -40 °C/+125 °C - momentarily 165 °C Operating pressure classes Safety factor: 10 Certificates and classes FDA, ISO 1307 Contact us for more information or to request a quote for Washing hose for hot water fda product. We offer expert advice and help you choose a solution that suits your needs.

0,00  - 9,10 11,42  VAT 0%VAT 25.5%

Full metal hose with steel braid is designed to provide premium durability and reliability for a wide range of industrial needs. This hose is particularly effective at high temperatures and pressures, making it an ideal choice for steam systems and chemical handling. Its robust construction and long life ensure that it meets the expectations of even the most demanding specialist. Request a quote and ensure that you get the best possible solution for your company's needs. Applications Steam systems, compressed air transfer, chemical handling, heavy industry, district heat transfer, saturated steam. Industries Industry, chemical industry, manufacturing industry. Benefits The all-metal hose with steel braid offers excellent durability and longevity, especially in high pressure and abrasion-demanding conditions. Its temperature resistance is -270°C to +600°C. Risks Improper use or maintenance of the hose can lead to damage and shorten its service life. It is important to ensure proper installation and operating conditions. Adapters The hose is compatible with a variety of fittings made of stainless or acid-resistant steel. In practice, almost any fitting can be welded to the hose. Chemical resistance The inner material of the hose is corrugated high-quality AISI 316 steel, which is highly resistant to chemicals. Certificates and classes AISI 316L - DIN 1.4404-Z2CN17-12, AISI 304 - DIN 1.4301-Z6CN18-09.

7,74 9,71  - 10,00 12,55  VAT 0%VAT 25.5%

Steam hose 7bar is designed for light use and low pressures. It is also suitable for saturated steam and is an excellent choice for hot water and glycol. Applications The steam hose 7bar is perfectly suited for industrial applications where a durable and reliable hose is needed. Industries This hose is particularly popular in the industry, especially in companies that work with the procurement and replacement of hoses. Benefits Steam hose 7bar is a durable and reliable choice that offers a long-lasting solution for industrial needs. Risks Like all hoses, the Steam Hose 7bar must be handled carefully and run empty and dry after use. Adapters Steam hose 7bar is compatible with several standard connectors. Chemical resistance The steam hose 7bar is made of EPDM material, which is durable and ozone-resistant. Operating temperatures Steam hose 7bar withstands temperatures from -40 °C to +165 °C. Operating pressure classes Steam hose 7bar is designed to withstand pressures of 7 bar. Certificates and classes Steam hose 7bar meets ISO 6134 Cat. The requirements of the A type 1 standard. When you need a reliable and durable steam hose, ask for a quote from Steam Hose 7bar. Our experts are happy to help with all hose-related questions.