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Structural adhesives

Structural adhesives are very strong adhesives that are used to attach different materials to each other and can replace more traditional fasteners such as screws, rivets or tape. Structural adhesives are used, for example, for hard-to-glue plastics and for quick repair and maintenance work.

Structural adhesives create an even attachment to the surface of the materials to be attached. Compared to different fasteners, they also create a solid and smooth-looking mounting surface. In addition, they have good long-term durability, high fatigue strength and excellent grip. 

Different types of structural adhesives are available for different needs. Two-component structural adhesives are suitable for challenging gluing needs. They are used for repairs and assemblies in various industrial applications. Two-component epoxy adhesives are suitable for e.g. wood, metal and composite, but not for rubber. Polyurethane adhesives, on the other hand, are suitable for plastics, metal and glass.

Structural adhesives are therefore strong, durable and multi-purpose adhesives that are suitable for various industrial processes. When choosing them, at least the need for grip, the material of the sticking surface and the required drying speed should be taken into account. If choosing the right structural adhesive makes you think, we will help!